OMG! Roger “Dred Scott Decision” Taney is only the Second Worst Catholic Chief Justice of the United States in American history!
Who could have seen this coming!
It’s true! Because there have only been two Catholic Chief Justices in our history, and John Roberts is the other, and Big Johnnie is, hands down, absolutely the worst Chief Justice in American history, Catholic or no, thanks to his utterly foul “decision” in Trump v. United States, which gave an explicit thumb’s up to such matters as Trump’s leaning on Vice President Pence to simply declare Trump president elect on January 6—and I guess if Pence had gone along and declared Trump president, Roberts would have swallowed that too!
Over at the Atlantic, Adam Serwer has the ghastly details, too ghastly for my sensitive stomach to digest. I had already pegged Roberts as the biggest coward in American history, thanks to his rewriting of the 14th amendment of the Constitution in Trump v Anderson (to avoid having to recognize the obvious fact that Donald Aloysius Trump was guilty (guilty as Hell!) of sedition, bitching about it both here and here, but now Roberts has fallen beneath even my lowest expectations, stopping just short of declaring Trump president for life. (Thanks for small favors, Johnnie.)
Years ago, Jane Wagner, Lily Tomlin’s long-time partner, said “No matter how cynical I get, I can never keep up.” You and me both, sister, you and me both. When John Roberts dies, Satan will have to grow a new head.1 I hope you like the taste of sulfur, Johnnie. Because you’re going to be eating a lot of it in the hereafter.
Taney, of course, is infamous for his majority opinion in the Dred Scott Decision, which claimed that the Constitution intended that all black Africans could never become citizens of the United States, and never have the rights given to U.S. citizens by the Constitution, even if they were free and a citizen of the state they lived in. But Roberts makes Taney look like a piker. Taney robbed “only” black people of their rights; Roberts has robbed us all.
In the Divine Comedy, Dante gives Satan three heads, so he can chew on the three worst sinners in history, Judas, Brutus, and Cassius—the latter two for killing Caesar, the symbol, for Dante, of divinely authorized secular authority.
Pithy as usual, Lord Vanneman!